Is Your Home Ready for Summer?

By November 30, 2016 Uncategorized No Comments

Today is the last day of spring, so why not start thinking about getting your home prepped and prepared for the coming summer – we hear it is going to be a hot one!

Our top tips for getting your home ‘summer-ready’:

  • Make sure your air-conditioner has had its yearly checks from a qualified technician – there would be nothing worse than your AC not functioning effectively.
  • Clean your ceiling and pedestal fans so that they are free from dust and dirt. Also make sure they are spinning anti-clockwise, so that they are pushing air down and improving circulation.
  • Give your backyard swimming pool a thorough clean and check the pH levels. Ensure the pool cover and all pool equipment and toys are clean from dirt and mould, and that you have your CPR instructions displayed.
  • Defrost your freezer – not only will you get rid of any nasty leftovers, but doing so will increase the efficiency of your freezer to ensure there is plenty of space for cold summer treats.
  • Install (or repair) fly screens and window coverings to ensure mosquitoes and other summer insects stay outdoors.
  • Give some attention to your garden soil, which often dries up during the warmer months. Adding compost and mulches can dramatically increase the moisture and nutrients in your garden.
  • Clean your backyard deck, patio or other entertaining area. Moss and mildew tend to pile up over the winter, so ensure they are given a good scrub prior to use.