Monthly Archives: March 2018

Brisbane’s Changing Cityscape

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“A cluster of developments in Brisbane’s CBD will change the city’s skyline, with high-rise buildings set to be torn down and replaced with new, taller towers.

Within the 300 metres from Turbot Street to George Street, there are plans for the full or partial demolition of two prominent buildings as well as the construction of a 30-storey tower atop a two-storey heritage site.”


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Brisbane – a city of bridges OR tunnels?

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With population increasing at the same time as car traffic, we need to start thinking about long-term infrastructure plans…

In a city built along a winding river, then begs the question how do we fix the problem – with more underground tunnels or with above river bridges?

WHY NOT BOTH, folks.

Perhaps these two major pieces of infrastructure can work together to alleviate congestion and prepare for the future boom.


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