Monthly Archives: April 2017

Top 10 Tips for Sustainable Housing

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Thinking about building new or renovating your current home, but not sure where to start with sustainability?

There are many things to consider when striving for sustainability, from architecture longevity to water efficiency and security. The QLD Government Department of Housing and Public Works has devised a list of the top 10 things to consider when seeking to construct or renovate your home to be more sustainable and efficient.


10 Considerations for Sustainability:


  1. Conserve water
  2. Heat and cool naturally
  3. Heat water efficiently
  4. Future proof
  5. Safe floors
  6. Address the street
  7. Casual surveillance
  8. Long-term maintenance
  9. Indoor air quality
  10. Outdoor living


Feeling intrigued, or interested to find out more? Learn more here: